Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The precious one

Is it just a while you want to forget a people that you love much? No.

Everybody know the answer. Ofc NO! and i feel that one. No i mean i had feel it. 
A long ago, aku pernah suka fareed (Y) Ok and this sound just like serious. Haha. And idk what his feeling to me. Just friend. Or bestfriend or bestbestbestfriend or more than that. Idk. 
People says that i have relationship with him. -.- what the hell? Kiteorg just tau cecamtu jelah. Faham-2 sendiri. not too underastimate ._. And this is normal, when you love that person, you will feel JEALOUS or else and i already felt it. Huh! Very hurt enough. 

His batchmates, his friends, his old friends loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee him. SERIOUSLY. Wow! and i know that story i just keep quite and speechless. haha. Idk why, Maybe.................. And time tu jugak dia marah dekat aku . idk what his reasons actly but his action make me feelthat. Lama gila kot tak cakap. aku rasa muak jugak gaduh ni. Sebab kan dah bosan , i talked to him! and aku luahkannnn semuaa yang aku pendam aku rase semualah. Huh! Baru dia tau cemane perasaan aku time tu.

Tu dulu, cerite cinta MONYET kott. Baru tersedar betapa bodohnya aku dulu. HAHA. now, my mind dah matang nak fikir ape yang bodoh, bangang dan sewaktu dengannya. Aku dah form3 sekarang.PMR around me. He? form4. and hes already got his result. 7A 2B. CONGRATULATION dear :) But i want more than him can do! Yeah! Hikhik.

Dulu aku cakap bende yang aku haram cakap dkat dia :\ Ish. Why? why? haha.Aku tengah cuba nak perbaiki diri sendiri.nak jadi baik bukannya tuggu orang y baik datang dekat aku. Hm :) So fareed, i guess kau orang penting dekat sekolah tu. Selalu kot takde kat sekolah. kriket lah rugby lah /. Hm. So goodluck lah okay. And kenape org penting? aku dengar kau nak dicalonkan jadi KU or else next year. So forget me. Focus in what you do right  now! Most important than me (: goodluck for you. I just want you to know that 
aku sayang kau braddah! and I promise.

Haha. Pray for me In everything. Most important PMR. I want to get 9A. And this is not impossible. Kbye !